click this to go back to the site

I do not give permission for my artwork (including any assets I made for this website) to be reuploaded, edited, claimed, or used for anything, including programs, NFTs, and AI.

yes, I'm saying that on a test page. so be it.

this is a test site!

that means you're not supposed to see this. this site is for me to play around as I actually learn HTML and CSS and make what I want my website to look like. it'd be nice if this thing held together, but I'll have to see!

this is me testing a

below is an image of mine with the normal proportions.

a small digitally drawn strawberry

below this is the same image with the proportions messed with.

a small digitally drawn strawberry (same as above) but a bit taller and much wider

this is testing a title

the above tests a hr tag.

things I like things I don't like
cats seaweed
- black hot drink
- white cold drink

this is testing a div class.

this is a paragraph.